Answer: Dirt, Straw, Water, & Their way!
Their Way: The people we work with are remnants of one of the largest, smartest civilizations, ever living on the earth the INCA NATION. Their conquerors from Spain murdered 9 million of them as they robbed the Incas of billions of dollars in Gold & Silver and then attempted to destroy their civilization by driving them high in the Andes and Amazon jungle. The Pope even told the conquistadors the Inca didn’t have a spirit from God so it was okay to slaughter them. However, before the Spanish invaded the Inca nation they developed an accounting system, and irrigation system, and engineered a system of using huge stones as building blocks and connected them without the use of concrete. Engineering experts attest that they were very intelligent, ingenious cavillation. Hope Projects acknowledges they are very bright, loving, hard-working people and support their heritage in their building projects.
Dirt, Straw, & Water: They have a lot of it and use these three items to make adobe blocks, roof tile, and plastering.
For example, a village that asks Hope Projects for help to build a school classroom must (A): provide a contract signed by all agreeing to do all of the labor (B): level the land where the building will go (C): make 5000 adobe blocks to build the classroom. Hope Project will then agree to (D): provide a local building engineer to draw up plans and provide the necessary inspections as the classroom is built, (E) furnish any necessary hardware, steel, concrete, and other building material including transportation to get needed items to the village.
As you can see in the images below, everyone in the community gets involved to build a classroom: from little girls to hardworking men. The process all starts as Hope Projects help the villagers build concrete and adobe blocks. Bamboo is used to hold the plaster in place. Later, the community digs trenches for new clean water to be piped to the school, and everyone helps level the land.
Please help us help the poor help themselves. Log onto our website (www.hopeprojects.com) and click on the drop-down button for a copy of the Hope Project Gift Catalog of ideas. Buy a gift in the honor of your special person and help the poor help themselves.
All donations will be matched by our board of directors dollar for dollar up to the end of January 2023.
As we all count our many blessings, please consider helping these poor and forgotten people high in the Andes mountains of South America work hard to help themselves out of poverty and bring HOPE to their villages for a better future with your donation.
Mail your donations to Hope Projects, 717 Bigler Lane, Midway, Utah, 84049 or call Nancy at 801-830-8812 to use your credit card.
Blessings be upon you and your family and may you have a Hope-filled New Year for 2023.